Vedam public talk

Vedam Publick Talk Via Twitter:

# Vedam is OUTSTANDING. A gem of a movie which you shouldn't actually in tears now!
# Outstanding movie .. Really mind blowing presentation by krish .. All credit to him .. Luv it .. Vedam rocks :-) :-)
# Went to Vedam today....its top notch feel good movie..... I had tears after long time
# Vedam is a good movie...last 45 minutes is spellbounding... Krish has done a marvellous job. All the best to the Cast & Crew to score a hit.
# Vedam is an excellent film. Great direction, cinematography, music and tour de force performances by the ensemble cast. Hats off to all of u
# just got back from Vedam movie... An emotional movie with some fun added to it... I liked it... :)
# Vedam like othr movies has its ups n downs but must watch movie
# The best realistic flick ..vedam ..mark ma words..touch chesthadi..
# "Vedam an incrdebile watch it today"
# really v should proud of da director krish for vedam for his love on movies but VEDAM also lik OM SHANTHI, krish should remove some songs,decrease da length of movie.he concentrated on characters not on concept
# me..great story..the best in the recent past...
# vedam is outstanding,my bro krish had oneman show,chimpasav anaayaaaa
# Just saw vedam performance of each actor is so good. Climax is awesome
# Vedam!! Bst muvee i have seen in da recent past. Grt wrk by krish
# jst watched Vedam... awesome hearttoching commercial........ thanks to krish... allu proved as an actor after parugu....
# No words to say about the film Vedam....juz a word awesome...go and watch it...don mis it...
# Sorry guys.. no updates.. was engrossed in the movie...tears tho bayatiki vacha..must watch movie.. Vedam
# Awesome+fantastic+excellent+fabulous.vedam is simply superb. Don't miss it
# Awesome movie nice story vedam
# if v c da every frame of vedam,nice n superb presentation.wen combing them then only,screenplay n editing prob
# dont watch VEDAM fo commercial elements,,,watch it fo a feel gud mv,,,super...
# Vedam movie for all clases...wil touch every bodys heart..racha movie by krish...gamyam ni maripinchadu
# What a way to start day by watching a supurb movie vedam at 8:45 Am...Its a super movie by krish
# again krish rocks wit his new film 'vedam'
# VEDAM. a great rebirth to tollywood

# Krish is a director that Telugu cinema can feel proud of and VEDAM is a film every Telugu person can feel proud of. I salute him.....SS RajaMOuli

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